Monday, 25 July 2011

State of Recovery.

I woke up on friday morning with my hands and feet being swollen with red bumps all over them. I just presumed that some midges had gone on a crazy rampage. Ma wasn't convinced, so she marched me off to Boots to see what they said. The verdict was that it was an allergic reaction to something. However, there was one flaw in this logic: nothing has changed. The washing powder hasn't changed, the cleaning products haven't changed etc. So all very odd and I went off to work, where my hands and feet suffered tremendously and I was in pain by the end of it.
I then woke up the next morning and it had spread. It was now on my knees, elbows, thighs and lips. Baffled to what it could be, we went off to A&E. I now had stinging in my hands and feet and it was unbelievably uncomfortable to stand.. one weird allergic reaction.
The true verdict: a non-specific viral rash. Basically the doctor had no idea what it was or what to do, so she said that it would probably clear up within 7 days, but that work was out of the question. Great.
Well its cleared up a lot now. Still on my knees elbows and thighs, but much better overall, so I went to work yesterday. What I did realise though was that my hands are now very sensitive to heat.. Hopefully that will calm down.
But because my body seems to hate me, and most of my friends would agree and as one put it I'm 'wonky', I now have a cold coming on. Fun times.
I now have 3 days off and am already struggling with what to do. I have been to the gym, tidied my room, updating my blog, and I'm getting another piercing this afternoon. But what to do for the rest of it? I have texted my friends, no reply except from one who is in hospital.. and the rest are working or on holiday.. Looks like I really am going to have to get back to playing Red Faction, which is a shame when its so sunny outside. Why don't I have my skates already?
As for the self confidence thing, well even though I look like a Leper currently, I have had the confidence to talk to Him about next term, and to stand up to my boss about my pay. Also started running again because the foot is 100% better, and its making me feel in control.
Less than 2 weeks to go till the big 2-0.. becoming a proper adult is looming.. HELP!

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