Thursday, 21 July 2011

Blips and Pieces.

I'm having a bit of a blip at the moment.
Haven't slept a full nights sleep in over a week now and its really starting to take its toll. I have lost my appetite almost completely, my skin is rubbish and I let a simple answer to a question get me so down that it ruined a conversation between me and Him.
But I think I know the cause to my stress: Work.
Ma and I wrote a list of everything that is making work so hard. It is ENORMOUS. Ranges from the lack of management to the increasingly difficult customers.
Its basically one vicious circle. I can't sleep because I'm worried and stressed about work, and when I get to work I'm too tired to let the little things bounce off me, hence making work more difficult.
So I need to get more sleep... that one is obvious, but I cant. I wake up about 10+ times in the night and it takes such a long time to get back to sleep. I know I could take sleeping pills, but I'm one of those really annoying people who don't believe in pills except for colds, the flu and pain relief.. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
So a momentary blip in my positivity, but one that I hope will be resolved soon so I can get back to being the 'new' me.

1 comment:

  1. I would say don't worry about it, but as that's part of the problem... What I would say is don't overly worry about waking up. There's this myth of a 'good night's sleep' - you go to bed close your eyes and then it's morning; it's wrong.

    Our bodies naturally wake up during the night. If you end up fully awake don't try to go back to sleep particularly if you're stressed. You'll just be lying there thinking about why you've woken up, why can't you get back to sleep, and getting more stressed and that won't help. Get up, get a drink, read a book, do some housework; hopefully at some point you'll start yawning and then you can go back to bed.

    If during the day and you feel tired take a nap if you're able, and again don't worry that it'll mean not getting that fabled good night's sleep.
