Me and Him are going to give it a go. A proper relationship.
I know that there will be many skeptics out there. But I did go though everything with him, asking if it was just because He was lonely in Africa and that when He goes back to uni there will be all the freshers and saying that if there was any cheating (by either of us) that that would be it, for good.
He said he had thought about it very carefully and took all of it into consideration and still wants to give it a go.
I'm so happy right now I ca't even put it into words. I really think that we can do it at uni. Its going to be hard, and we are both going to have to put effort in with visiting each other, but it will be worth it. We make each other so happy and I smile whenever he calls or I see him. I love him and He loves me.
Oh, on a less positive note, I went to the Doctors yesterday and I have to have an operation down below, which will take 4-6 weeks of healing time. No sex for me for another 2 months (the surgury isn't until the 5th of September)!! The tag could go away by the 5th, but knowing my wonky body, that is not going to happen! So I'm trying to think of the long term benefit, where it could become cancerous if it stays (although that is like a 5% chance) and I don't want cancer at all, let alone down there!
Even though thats probably too much information, there have only been those 2 things to happen in the last few days... Except for me loosing weight, which I am very happy about!
Got a comment about the strange sleeping patterns I've got into, and I want to say thank you so much and I will try your advice out tonight!
Keep the comments coming!